Thursday 1 May 2014

Weight Loss And Depression

By Dr. Ashraf Hanafy Mahmoud Mohammed 

Losing weight can be a difficult battle for anyone. This is especially true when the health problem is depression. Mental health not only takes a toll on the mind, but the entire body.

Can you lose weight with depression? Yes, but it may be a difficult road. There are many hurdles that you must overcome and they will be both mental and physical. If you are not in a good state of mind, which is generally what happens with depression, then losing weight may seem impossible.

Depression can cause weight gain because many sufferers are "emotional eaters." Obesity and being overweight are serious issues when it comes to all kinds of mental illnesses since hunger starts as a brain function. Too many folks die from this, usually from heart disease. Another thing that affects weight gain in depression sufferers is medication. Certain types are known to affect hunger and make a person eat more.
Sadly, it can be both the depression and the medication affecting your weight gain. If you notice something like this happening to you, you should see your doctors right away.

While weight loss is possible when depressed, it is definitely not easy. Doing things like eating a sensible diet and exercising properly will work to help those with mental illness lose weight. The problem is not so much getting on a healthy diet and exercise plan, but missing one key piece to the puzzle: a healthy mind. When the mind isnt healthy, as the case with many depression sufferers, then the chances of maintaining the weight loss go way down. The person may start losing weight and feel like they have to overdo or they may get hit a setback and give up. When you have a negative outlook on yourself and your life, you tend to be unnecessarily hard on yourself. Stemming from this is a chance that you worsen or your depression or, even worse, develop an eating disorder.

Researchers are having a difficult time trying to devise foolproof plans to help those with depression lose weight. There are too many factors and too many types of depression that could lead to a wide gap in results. They all agree that it is possible for people with depression to lose weight. They also agree that it can be very hard for them. However, making slow positive changes, such as implementing healthier diets and exercise plans can help the person start to feel better and start to lose weight. There may be some types of depression where breaking bad habits is impossible without something to remind the person that its an unhealthy choice. They can try carrying some type of reminder like a card to combat this.

As you can see, depression and weight loss can be a tough road to take. There are many things to consider, but it can be achieved. If you have depression and need to lose weight, make sure to consult with your doctor to find a healthy and safe plan that works for you.
weight loss
weight loss

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Getting Rid of Belly Fat With the Best Diet Plan

What is the best diet to lose belly fat quickly? Are there foods to burn belly fat quickly?

Many people have belly fat developed over long periods of inactivity and poor diet. Consequently, many of them to make the best diet, lose belly fat fast to know. Well, who does not want to lose belly fat quickly?

For guys, you might want to belly fat loss for abs. For girls, you can lose belly fat fast then you look good in a bikini. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of fat on the front of the abdomen. One possibility is that unhealthy foods to avoid if possible. Instead, you can eat healthy foods that are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.

Nuts such as almonds, macadamia nuts and peanuts are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Of course, this is not suitable for people with arthritis of gout. Thats because nuts can cause increased uric acid.

If you are looking for the best diet to lose belly fat fast, do not despair. You have several options.

The best diet to lose belly fat fast can be divided into 3 different categories.

a) foods low in calories

b) Low Carb Meals

c) A diet rich in protein

Many people have found these plans useful. Chances are, one of these plans may be most appropriate for you than others.

For many people the plan may be the best means of high-protein diet, lose belly fat faster. The diet rich in proteins has been adopted by many people because it can be very effective. At the same time, it can be much more healthy weight, because the fact that you are other benefits of increased consumption of foods that may lose benefit rich in protein.

For others, the best diet to lose nothing belly fat fast other than the food is low in carbohydrates. Unfortunately, you can see today more and more good food rich in carbohydrates, which surround you.

The temptation is so strong that most people fail when the continuation of this diet plan. The same can be said about low-calorie diet. Yes, logically, you can lose weight. But emotionally, you really want to swallow food. And many times when the emotions of mine you win against logic, it is generally an emotion.

So if you go on a quest to find the best diet plan to lose belly fat quickly decide it is always a good idea to have a good start.

Not every diet plan is suitable for everyone and can be caused by several factors you must learn to make the best diet plan to lose belly fat quickly decide for themselves.
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Wednesday 30 April 2014

What is the Best Way to Lose Lower Belly Fat Discover the Truth About Losing Belly Fat

Everywhere you look, you find pictures of women in bikinis and men with their shirts with their perfect abs. Sound on the Internet, television and magazines. But not many people find the best way of belly fat, lose to get the perfect six-pack.

Time and again people ask me "what is the best ab workout for losing belly fat?" Youve tried almost everything but the stubborn fat is still there. Surprisingly, the answer ...

No! Just do workouts is enough to have a metabolic reaction of the organism to lose belly fat created. So what is the best way to lose belly fat, and what are the best types of training and exercises to reveal hidden abs to lose belly fat? The only thing most people do not realize when you try to lose belly fat or trying to uncover their abs is that there is no magic workout or abdominal exercises, which of course bands, grease their abs in no time.

The truth is that these people are totally in the vicinity of their low fat belly in the wrong direction! You can do all the crunches you want, but do not lose belly fat starting workouts. How many crunches you do? Did your abdominal muscles to hide all your belly fat? Probably not.

If you try to spend all your time and effort focusing on training and abdominal exercises, lower-flat stomach, youll never get six pack abs. In one, because youre wasting your time. Instead of ab exercises you should focus on training of land for not focusing solely on the ABS, but the whole body. This will help you lose belly fat and keep it for good.

Although there are many exercises that can do to fatten your belly. The best way to lose belly fat, the full exercise of the body such as: different types of squats, lunges leg corkscrew, dead lifts, clean and presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, and sprints.

There are several types of whole-body exercise are not mentioned, but these are some of the full-body exercises the most popular that I recommend that you use during the exercises directly on the abdominal muscles.

Do not walk ahead of me, there is a very small amount of ab exercises I try to encourage everyone to lose belly fat by directly on the abdominal muscles and core. However, it is better to spend your time trying to focus on your body to stimulate maximum metabolic and hormonal changes in the body. In addition, if you want to exercise the whole body indirect abs work, while not specifically promote the abs.

So what is the best way to lose belly fat and abdominal muscles? exercises the whole body, and equally important to a solid diet and nutrition is important for six pack abs. You have to follow a weight loss program is if you try to lose belly fat. If not, despite your efforts, youll never lose fat when you is not your diet and eat junk food. A diet is the best way to lose fat belly, no doubt!
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13 Killer Foods For Fat Loss

By Steven R Cartwright 

In the battle against fat wouldnt it be nice to have some help from the foods we eat? Thats what this article is about. By choosing the correct foods, you can have those foods cut your fat. Some foods are better at helping fight fat than others. This list of 13 killer foods for fat loss will be beneficial to anyone looking to lose weight by cutting fat.

1. Turkey

Turkey is an excellent source of protein. It is extremely low in fat and high in protein. And since protein takes more energy to break down and digest, you naturally burn fat while digesting this quality protein source. Just make sure its skinless turkey.

2. Peppers

Not everyone likes or can tolerate peppers. But for those who can, peppers are a thermogenic food that helps you burn fat by increasing your metabolism through temperature. Jalapeno and other chili peppers will boost your fat burning efforts with no additional effort on your part. Slice some up and throw them in your next salad, put them on a tuna sandwich, or eat a few plain, and enjoy the benefits.

3. Oatmeal

This food is a good source of fiber, which helps fill you up and keep your blood glucose levels stable so your body doesnt go into fat storing mode. It also gives you energy which helps you burn off the fat.

4. Chicken

Another great source of protein is chicken. Like Turkey (and other high protein foods) it takes more energy to digest so you naturally burn more calories just to consume this high quality protein. Also like turkey, you want to choose skinless chicken.

5. Whole grains

Grains are carbohydrates and give us energy. Processed and starchy carbohydrates cause spikes in our blood glucose levels causing our bodies to store fat. That is the opposite of what we want, so stay far away from processed foods. Stick with whole grains like brown rice, whole grain cereals and quinoa. There are lots of whole grains that are beneficial to our fat loss diets, check them out.

6. Beans

Beans are a good source of protein and fiber. Beans build muscle tissue (protein) and keep you feeling full longer so you eat less. Be sure to choose wisely and stay away from refried beans and baked beans because of the fat and sugar contents.

7. Green Tea

Green tea contains caffeine at elevated levels compared to some other tea types. Plus it is considered a thermogenic source making it even more effective at increasing our metabolic rate and burning fat. A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded "Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se."

8. Berries

Some of the best fat burning foods are berries. Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries and others provide a high amount of fiber to your diet and keep you feeling full longer so you naturally eat less. They also boost your metabolism and increase your fat burning ability.

9. Tuna / Salmon

Fish is absolutely one of the best fat burning foods out there. They provide high quality protein and good fat to our diets. Like other sources of high quality proteins, we burn energy just breaking down and digesting these foods.

10. Lean Meat

We have already discussed several meat varieties, turkey, chicken and fish and to that we can add lean cuts of red meat. Having a variety of high quality protein meat sources will go a long way towards keeping you from getting bored with the same old choices.

11. Skim milk

This is a great source of calcium and calcium is very important for your metabolism. Your body needs calcium to maintain your metabolic rate. If you dont have enough calcium in your bloodstream, your body will begin pulling calcium from your bones to supplement what it needs. So you had better believe calcium is very important for your metabolism.

12. Whey

Whey is a by-product of cheese making. It is the liquid that is left after milk is made to curdle and the cheese is extracted from the curdled milk. Whey protein is a quality source of protein for our bodies (where as soy protein increases the production of estrogen). Use this as a supplement to your regular diet to increase your protein levels and really burn some fat.

13. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a good source of protein and unsaturated "healthy" fats. Both of these give our bodies energy and increase our metabolic rate allowing for faster fat burning. They also help fill us up so we eat less. Fat is a good source for making us feel full and satisfied when we eat it.

Eggs are a great fat killer food but they are high in cholesterol. If you want to add eggs to your fat killer food group list then be sure to eat them in moderation. One large egg has 211 mg of cholesterol which is 70% daily value for someone on a 2000 calorie diet.

These foods are common every day foods but they pack an extra punch when it comes to burning fat. Incorporate them into your daily eating habits and you will immediately start to enjoy the many benefits that they provide.

For more information and to get tips, help and motivation about fat loss please visit my blog at

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Lose 6 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Water, Water, Water
Drinking 64 ounces of water a day is the first and most important step. Drinking water makes will often time curb the feeling of hunger. Did you know that most times people feel hungry they are actually just thirsty? Water also aides in digestion and helps flush the body.

Hot Soup for Weight Loss

Eating a hot, broth based soup will go a long way towards your goals of shedding unwanted pounds. First go with broth based and low sodium if possible. Cream based soups will only compound your problems and ultimately inhibit you from reaching your goal.

Hot or warm soup gives you a "full" feeling so you can actually eat less and that is a major win anytime you can eat less and feel full.

Get Rid of Salt

The best way to get salt out of your diet is to avoid processed foods such as pasta, microwave dinners and the sort. Take some time to read labels and find out how much sodium is in the foods you eat currently. Low sodium broths for soup are your best bet to avoid salt and still eat some of the foods you love.

Limit the Sugar

The first and most obvious thing is to not drink soda, even diet soda. Diet soda is purely a marketing scheme thought up and driven by the soda manufacturers. No person who believes diet soda will help them lose weight has a clue as to what diet sodas contain. The artificial sweeteners and other malicious ingredients do not serve your body well.

White rice and most pastas have a good amount of sugar also but there are alternatives. Brown rice is one alternative that most people do know but here is one many do not know of. Do an internet search for high fiber pastas. High fiber pastas offset the carbohydrate level and when you discover this niche of the pasta world you will also be able to find almost any pasta to fit your health needs.

Walk Yourself Thin

So now we need to cover the exercise portion of the plan. Walk yourself thin? Is that correct. Yes it is correct but you have to do it the right way. First things first buy a heart rate watch. It will monitor your heart rate while you exercise.

Why is this important?

You need to reach and maintain your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes a day. For maximum results that means you are walking every day. Again do an internet search to find your target heart rate for your weight.

Vitamin B-12

This supplement gives energy and boosts the metabolism. It is inexpensive and effective. Look into it and after you have researched it decide if it is right for you. Vitamin B-12 has been proven to accelerate weight loss.

Weight loss expert Sam Payne uses the power of information to benefit people who want to lose weight, get fit, or just live a healthier lifestyle. Now he is giving you a chance to check out some of his many strategies.
Just go to to learn more of his strategies for healthy living.
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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Bookend this Long Weekend for Weight Loss

July 1st and July 4th are the Canadian and American big time long weekend kick offs for the the summer. And there is also some big time eating that goes on during these weekends.

BBQ steak, burgers, ribs, sausages, chicken, pasta salad, potato salad, grilled veggies, beer (or whatever your beverage of choice might be)...and thats not even mentioning the desserts.

No doubt there will be some serious eating going on, and some serious OVER eating. So how do you enjoy all the great food during a long weekend and still come out the other side without gaining and fat?

Ive found the easiest answer is to bookend the weekend with the principles found in Eat Stop Eat.

By using the techniques in Eat Stop Eat to prepare for the weekend you can eat all the great foods that will be cooking during your long weekend feast without the guilt or the extra bodyfat that usually comes with these kind of events.

Get Your Copy of Eat Stop Eat today

Use Eat Stop Eat again the day after the weekend to get back on track for the following week and you might even LOSE weight when its all said and done. This is the bookend technique that many other Eat Stop Eaters have adopted and used with great success to get through holiday weekends without gaining weight.

Eat Stop Eat is the easiest and quickest way to prepare for and erase any potential fat gain from a long weekend eating extravaganza.

Get your copy of Eat Stop Eat today and be prepared for the upcoming long weekend.

Its the perfect way to get rid of guilt AND fat at the same time.


PS: For additional information, read my previous post on My Crazy Fasting Lifestyle and see how I ate madly over the Easter long weekend and resumed normal weight in two days.
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Healthy Ways To Beat Type 2 Diabetes

If you have discovered that you have Type 2 Diabetes, this can be a shocking and frustrating discovery - one that brings up far more questions than it does answers, and that can even cause a fair amount of fear (furthermore, you may be living with Type 2 Diabetes and not even realize it - something that, believe it or not, occurs for many people); hopefully in stumbling upon this article, however, you have made a decision to not simply settle down with your fear and concern, and have instead chosen to find ways to beat your Type 2 Diabetes. And while it may not always be possible to completely get rid of your Type 2 Diabetes for good, there are plenty of healthy choices you can make to get back to a place where you are healthy, and where you are no longer affected and held back by this disease.

Exercise is important: One of the most important things to realize, when it comes to beating this disease, is that starting to become more active is one of the best things you can do - and this does not necessarily mean you need to install a rigorous workout routine, either, as even just going for a walk each day can make a huge difference in your health; the results from your exercise may not come right away, but over time you will discover that you are losing weight and are lowering your fasting blood sugar levels to a more normal range.

Watch what you eat: It seems simple enough to say it, of course, but this is often the most difficult part for those who are dealing with Type 2 Diabetes, as they often need to undertake a complete overhaul of the foods they are eating, and of the approach they take to eating as a whole; once you start cutting out sugars and carbs (at least, in excess) and begin to instead eat some of the key foods you should be aiming to eat when fighting Diabetes (foods that include beans, oatmeal, non-fat yogurt, almonds, and foods rich in "good fats" such as avocado and salmon), it will become far easier for you to stick with this healthy eating, and you will start to feel a whole lot better as well.

Knowledge really is power: The more you understand about what you are facing, and the more you learn about the best ways in which to face it, the more easily you will discover you are able to achieve success - and for this reason, it will be important that you continually look for places from which you can gather valuable information, and that you continually build your knowledge in order to achieve results.

If you are searching for a resource that can help you start learning the things you need to know in this area, and can help you beat your Diabetes, be sure to visit us at today!

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